We have a sense that everything we have is a gift from God. We value sharing our lives, our time, and our resources, together.
To give via personal check, please place the check in our Sunday offering or mail it to Settle Memorial, P.O. Box 1756, Owensboro, KY 42302.
Online Giving
Online Giving is offered through Give Plus, a Vanco Company. You will be redirected to Vanco’s secure giving portal.
Text giving is also available by texting your donation amount to 270-216-5180 and following the onscreen directions.

Legacy Giving Guide
Settle Memorial is a generous church family. Many of us regularly support local organizations with our time, talent, and money, including support of the church’s annual budget. But with the beginning of a new year, it may be the perfect time to think about longer-term planned giving which could have a transformational impact on Settle for years to come. We invite you to take a look at the Legacy Giving Guide below. It will open your eyes to the variety and creative ways to make a difference in the long-term financial health of Settle Memorial.
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